




The Presidential candidate APC needs - Femi Fani-Kayode

In a Facebook post he called 'MY STAND' popular Jonathan critic and former minister of aviation shared his opinion about the 'ideal presidential candidate' and also proffered solutions to the challenges of the APC in 2015.

His words below..

The first challenge that the APC has is to build a formidable party that not only has a strong foundation and structure but also has a clear left of centre ideological leaning. Such a party must also be led by an impressive set of educated, articulate, clear thinking, historically-literate and courageous leaders who are ready to risk all, including their lives, to fight Jonathan and save Nigeria from the evil called the PDP.

The second challenge is for the party to identify and field a northern Presidential candidate that is acceptable to both northerners and southerners and to both christians and muslims from all over the country.

The third challenge is to identify and field a Vice Presidential candidate from the south west who can win the confidence, trust, minds, hearts and votes of the overwhelming majority of the yoruba people. If the south west does not provide the Vice Presidential candidate I fear that the APC may not win. The yoruba deserve no less and we must ensure that we are never marginalised or treated with contempt and levity again.

We put Jonathan there and he has betrayed us. We have not risked all, including our lives and liberty, turned our backs on him and resolved to fight him just to be left with nothing. The position of Senate President, Speaker of the House or anything else is not big enough for us and in any case they are fraught with uncertainties.

The yoruba must have the position of Vice President to make up for what they have suffered in the hands of others in the last five years and in return for the mammoth support that they will give the APC in 2015. Politics is a game of numbers. Yet let us make no mistake about it- if the APC candidate is a northerner his running mate must be a yoruba man.

If you want lasting stability, peace and equity in Nigeria that is the way to achieve it. Anything else will fail and will leave the door of victory wide open for Jonathan, his ijaw ethnic supremacists and their numerous friends and allies.
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  1. True talk! You are a wise man.

  2. i would Advice people to Scrutinize the Caliber
    of people who are gathering themselves
    together in the name of APC cos these are the
    same people who has been dragging us to the
    Mud, now after failing and been driven out of
    PDP, they want to deceive us to Believe that
    they are our Liberator, A pot calling A Kettle
    Black, hmmmm, Nigerians please open Your
    Eyes, Enough of Sentiment. Be Wise and
    Beware of Wolves in Sheep Clothings!!!!!

  3. What will then be the fate of the Igbos?

    1. Fani does not care about the Ibos or any ethnic group for that matter.
      He is recommending a Northern President who they will be ready to frustrate just as a strategy. Let him keep talking. He knows nothing about equity

  4. What will then be the fate of the Igbos?

  5. The problem Apc may face as a party is dat if they mistakely field Buhari as dir opresidential candidate ,Apc is finish.if Apc has to consult the most acceptabe man of God in nigeria 2 day buhari will be out of the race,let us be wise and make use of Tambuwa,by doing so the sky is d limit of Apc.let us give kudos 4 femi analysis it is a wise one.

  6. The problem Apc may face as a party is dat if they mistakely field Buhari as dir opresidential candidate ,Apc is finish.if Apc has to consult the most acceptabe man of God in nigeria 2 day buhari will be out of the race,let us be wise and make use of Tambuwa,by doing so the sky is d limit of Apc.let us give kudos 4 femi analysis it is a wise one.

  7. Igbo(s) should be the president of all Nigerian markets that's where they belong!

  8. The idiotic analysis of an idiot. Mtscheeeewwww!!!!!!!!!

  9. For Fani kayode, smiling like a chesterfield cat to take snapshots all over decorated parts of homes warms his hero complex. But for the owambe ideology of Obasanjo that throw such people up into the mainstream of politics, which country employs a blabber mouth with a history of mental instability to oversee an agency/ministry or parastatal? With that, in spite of his abysmally poor and awful performance in that capacity, he fancies himself a political commentator for the betterment of Nigeria. Of course, out here, anything goes.

  10. Well, it is very strange to hear this gentleman talk about a Yoruba vice-president even in the obvious knowledge of the fact that the Yorubas only recently left the presidential slut after OBJ's eight wasted years.
    Would it be fair and just to give that slot to the Yorubas when there are other sections of the country who have never held either the presidency or vice.

  11. FFK with his analysis again... =)) nice points were made though! i hope APC leaders will take to the advice.

  12. Walahi talahi there is no need for anything like searching for a presidential candidate as the action Governor of Lagos state is alive hale & hearty. His antecedent is there for anybody to read loud and clear. I do not know him from Adam but we need somebody of his caliber and qualification to rule NIGERIA. Every other thing MUST be put aside. I can't see any other Governor that marched his stride. For him to rule over Lagos state over the years and with the achievements we could see, there is need to give him the baton to rule Nigeria and do his little to salvage this country. All the big names we are hearing that are jostling to run do not have the stamina to do it effectively. Nigeria and indeed Nigerians MUST put sentiments aside and face reality so that we could move out and up. We are praying and we will continue to pray that God will give Nigeria the right leader as I am convinced that definitely Nigeria is coming to be the greatest country in the world. God bless NIGERIA. Toks

  13. I bliv God will hav. His way

  14. My note that the tactics to run a state govt is not the same with Head of state that is why my brother is confused in Aso Rock today. We need people that have love for the country Nigeria not people with vested interests. God Bless Nigeria.

  15. Confused FFK. As if Hausa and Yoruba remains d only tribe/ethnic group we have. Mtcheeewwww

  16. This man is yet to explain to me why the presidency has to go to the North and why the vice presidential position has to go to the south west when nigeria has over 250 ethnic tribes. APC is doomed from inception. The same accusations being thrown against the ijaw also applies to north. No one has the right to rule perpetually if the country must remain as one. What happened to the igbos, itsekiris, urhobos, ilajes, kanuris, nupes, tivs and other tribes. Are they not Nigerians? FFk is obviously walking the same path his father did along with akintola in the 70s that ended up with us having a civil war. I hope he is also willing unlike his father to sacrifice his life and not beg for it when the time comes.

  17. President or Vice President of APC must come from South East because come 2015, APC will garner 99.99% of the votes cast there. Past Anambra election where the governor of APGA was elected (sure????ah!!) is a sample of what to expect. In any case, the 3 top political party total votes are below total votes cast from Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State. Come 2015 and for presidential election they will record 2,000,000 votes for GEJ or is it now APC!!!!. There is need for people to think deeply and be serious.


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