




Abaribe calls for calm over S’Court verdict on Kanu


Former Minority Leader of the Senate, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, has called for calm over the non-release of the leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, by the Supreme Court, assuring that Ndigbo would vigorously pursue a political solution that could ultimately set him free.


The Senator, who is representing Abia South in the Senate, made this call on Friday in a press statement by his media adviser, Uchenna Awom.


The Supreme Court earlier today, set aside a judgment by the appeal court that dismissed the terrorism charges against Kanu.


The apex court held that the lower court was wrong and that the trial court couldn’t try him because the prosecution violated his rights.


In the judgment prepared by Justice Garba Mohammed, the court condemned the invasion of Kanu’s residence, declaring it irresponsible.


However, IPOB described Kanu’s continuous detention as “unconstitutional”, saying that self-determination is legal as supported by the United Nations laws and by the Africa Union Charter.


IPOB’s spokesman, Emma Powerful, commended Anambra and Enugu state governors, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo and Dr Peter Mba, respectively, on their call for the unconditional release of the pro-Biafran leader.


Meanwhile, Abaribe encouraged Ndigbo not to despair over the unfortunate outcome at the Supreme Court.


His statement read, “I’m of the firm belief that this current Federal Government will do something very fast to release Nnamdi Kanu, if for no other reason, but for national cohesion and unity of the country.


“As Leaders, we shall continue to press for a solution that will be the best in the circumstance,” the lawmaker assured.

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