




Paying Governor Fayose in his own coin, by Victor Agboga

Governor Ayodele Peter Fayose has distinguished himself as the fiercest critic of  Buhari's government. He often leaves no stone unturned when lambasting the federal government for one policy or another. He is one of those struggling to institute a viable opposition which his party, the Peoples democratic Party PDP, has failed to do effectively.

In as much as opposition is required in a true democracy, criticism should be made constructively and with the intention of a better country. Most of Governor Fayose's criticisms often cross the line and go overboard. Things got to the head when he wrote the Chinese government to cancel the agreement and contracts signed with Nigeria following Buhari's visit to China. He never spares any opportunity to take a swipe at the government.

Recently he slammed Buhari and the soldiers for the killings of Biafra protesters, claiming that the presidency ordered the military operation. He also said that President Buhari has made south-easterners  endangered species in Nigeria. Such utterances are enough to spark another civil war.

Even though it is necessary to chastise the military for attacking civilians, Fayose probably took it took far by claiming that President Buhari himself gave the instruction to kill the protesters. The military in their defence claimed that the protesters were armed and killed two policemen, dumping their bodies into the Niger River.

The religious and ethnic tensions in the country are already at a critical level, so anyone concerned about the well-being of Nigeria should guard against unsettling comments. Fayose claimed that Buhari has ostracized the people of south-south and south-east in his administration, an accusation similar to what sparked the civil war in 1966. Conversely, the cleaning up of the much neglected Ogoni land can be seen as a gesture to draw this people closer to the federal government. The second Niger Bridge project is another gesture capable of mending fences.

When you point a finger in accusations to another, the other four fingers point back at you, goes a popular African adage. Governor Fayose often criticizes as if he has no flaws himself.

First and foremost, it was been found out that the election the brought him into power was massively rigged with the help of the military. The meeting on how to rig the election was caught in a tape and the Nigerian Army has reportedly retired the soldiers involved in the ignoble act. Mr Aluko, former speaker of Ekiti Assembly spilled the beans. So when criticizing, Gov Fayose should remember how he came into office in the first place; neither have Nigerians forgotten how he was impeached for misconduct some years back.

Secondly, workers in Ekiti state have been telling their tales of woes as their salaries have not been paid for months. To worsen the solution, instead of pleas and appeals, the governor claimed he could neither sell himself nor his family to pay the agitated workers. "Will I sell myself and my family to pay workers?" the governor quipped. So much for responsible and responsive governance!

Few weeks ago, he declared war against cattle grazing in Ekiti state, giving local hunters the mandate to flush out Fulani herds from the territory. He had earlier threatened to poison the waters in Ekiti in order to rid the state of herdsmen. He gave the local hunters the freedom to take laws into their hands by instructing them to attack the herdsmen. Gov Fayose should have left this to security operatives who have been trained for this.

Even his party the PDP has denounced him as a controversial figure. They admonished him for uttering comments that escalated the problems in the party. It is no news that Gov Fayose is at loggerheads with most of the chieftains of the PDP.

The intention here is not to silence the voices of opposition against the Buhari government but to make it more refined and constructive. The intention is not to throw away the baby along with the bath water, but to ensure an enlightened opposition for the good of the country.

Governor Fayose should come up with better constructive criticisms, remembering that he has also failed in some areas. He needs to avoid attacking persons but policies.

As for his political aspiration in 2019, Nigerians will start taking him more seriously when he starts controlling his public utterances and show good examples both by actions and words.
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  1. Dear Mr, Just to set some records straight about the herdsmen.
    All there cases have not been met with any actions (we are not saying adequate actions) hence his desire to save his people the only way that will forestall such occurrences in the future.
    Until people at the head start working as they should, in the interest of everyone,then Fayose and more people like him (We are praying for him and asking God to give us more men that can speak for the molested sect) will rise up to defend us.


  2. I think d writer of this trash is a buhari die hard supporter and I guess he's from the north or so. assessing every words of his I.e "the writer" this so called buhari supporter doesn't even know what politics is all about. Mr man, I guess u should have a rethink about the writeup and next time u want to write, please put off favoritism and imbalanced conclusion.

  3. Is it a must that someone must write? I have had enough of trash lately in NE. This squeaky piece contradicts itself. Read the first two paragraphs and look at the rest. Viable opposition where constructive criticism is allowed is necessary democracy. Yet chastises Fayose for just doing that. Who told you and who concluded that Fayose had gone overboard. Do you follow American politics? Anyway you are entitled to your opinion but some of you writing to be noticed and perhaps rewarded by the government are not doing the ordinary Nigeria any good. At the end of the day the chicken will come back to roost. If you are part of NE then it is a pity and if you like don't publish this comment. But I am disappointed at what NE is turning into. I need to go for other news sites that are more objective and non aligned or partisan. If you people like you can become an organ or agent of one party or group or the other. I notice that you over censor any comment or position that does not praise sing those position or people you support.This is awful journalism. The principle of objectivity and balance has been killed and buried in NE. Sad!


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