


Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor opens up on $9.3m arms deal

President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, yesterday for the first time spoke on the controversial $9.3m cash allegedly smuggled into South Africa by two Nigerians and an Israeli using his private jet. The money which has been confiscated by a South African court was meant for the purchase of arms for the Nigerian Intelligence Services.

 This is just as the #BringBackOurGirls# campaign group, has said it will soon drag the CAN president and the Federal Government to court over the money.

Following the use of his aircraft to convey the money which was not declared in South Africa until immigration officials discovered it, the CAN president was linked to the arms deal with critics condemning his role in the arms deal.

Explaining his own side of the story yesterday, at an emergency meeting of the expanded National Executive Council, NEC, of CAN in Abuja, Pastor Oritsejafor denied any involvement or knowledge of the deal to buy arms in South Africa, noting that enemies of Christians were fuelling the division of CAN.

He said: “The media has been awash in the past few days about an unfortunate incident involving the movement of funds from Nigeria to South Africa. In the unfortunate news reports, attempts have been made to link me directly with the transaction. So far I have refrained from making any direct public statement pending the time that I would have briefed the leaders of the church and explained my position on the issues to them.

“I believe that the primary institution that I owe any explanation to is the church. Permit me to thank everyone who stood by me these past days by ways of prayers, as well as strongly defending me even though I have not undertaken any public defence of myself.

“I am particularly appreciative of the valuable support of the Catholic Church in refuting a distorted news item by mischievous elements in the media. I wish to assure you that I will not do anything to tarnish the image of Jesus Christ or compromise the divine standard of the Church.

The aircraft is mine — CAN president

“At the risk of being seen to be defending myself, I wish to confirm to the distinguished leaders of the church that the Bombardier Challenger 601 aircraft in question is mine.

“The aircraft was presented to me as a gift by members of our congregation and ministry partners world wide at the 40th anniversary of my call into the ministry. May I be permitted to stress that the aircraft was not given to me by the President of Nigeria, neither was it a settlement for any political favour or patronage.

“With the benefit of hindsight, the President of the country was a guest in our church during the anniversary celebration when the Jet was presented to me and this has been construed to imply that it was a gift from the President of the country.

“The President of Nigeria has nothing to do with the gift of the aircraft. By the way, I still wonder why all those saying this, still cannot come out to show proof so that the matter can be put to rest once and for all. Let me say that this might be an issue of the court in the near future.

“In order to ameliorate the cost of maintenance of the aircraft, I sought and got permit to allow the aircraft fly in and out of Nigeria.

“Based on this, I leased the aircraft on August 2, 2014 to a company to run it. It was the leasee that entered into an agreement with the people who carried out the transfer of funds. Having leased the aircraft to the Green Coast Produce Company Limited, any transaction undertaken with the aircraft can no longer be attached to me.

War against the Church
“In as much as I am shocked and distressed by the incident, I wish to appeal to Christians in Nigeria to remember that a war has been waged against the Nigerian Church. This war is being fought on many fronts and this unfortunate incident is another dimension in the assault against the Church.

“It is clear that those who manipulated this conspiracy desire to create a schism in the Church. The media hype and the deliberate distortion of information that followed it confirmed that forces that desperately desire to cause division and disunity in the Church are at work. Even the devil knows that a house that is divided cannot stand.

“As Christians, we need unity in the Church now more than ever. We are witnessing inhuman attacks by religious extremists against Christians in the northern part of the country while Christian infrastructure is being destroyed in hundreds.

“If we permit the enemy to divide us, our chances of corporate survival shall be severely threatened.
“Distinguished leaders of the Church, please permit me to state clearly before God and before all of you here present today, I am not a party to the movement of $9.3 million from Nigeria to South Africa to purchase arms and ammunition. I am not part of the deal. I know nothing about it.

“Let me make a passionate appeal to our heads of blocks, heads of denominations and Christian leaders at different levels and spheres of influence to please use your good offices to caution and control your subordinates and followers from making public statements that will further polarise the Church and strengthen the arms of the enemies of the church.

“If I offend you or you offend me, instead of talking to media, let us talk to each other within the house of God.”
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    1. Yes it is legal for private individuals to lease their jets out. The rational is for maintainance purposes and constant use.

    2. useless man, keep defending ur pastor. God wil contnue exposin all of u.

    3. My fellow Country men and women, why bother about a hired jet when the people involve and the Company are alive to testify of who is the actor? Is the Company or the authority concern of loading an lifting of this money not in Nigeria? Or was the loading done in the air? Please don't allow them play with our intelligence again, when we all know that we are but guinea pigs, in the experiment of their power games. Capitalism is at its peak and at the point of consuming all of us; instead of concentrating on how to salvage our God given destinies; we are busy castigating each other; who are all but victims of this system. Is religion of any importance in this game when we all know that our fighting time is their looting time and their religion is their profit whether a Christian or a muslim. Enough of this high level of gullibility and myopic approach to our collective predicaments. The soldiers and the Boko Haram fighters are all sons of the common men who ever dies is but a member of the society of the commoners and not theirs. The North, should open its eyes and know that its enemies are within not without. We have the so called elders that we can hardly tell of their real roots. SOME are passer-byes and have only their immediate families to worry about. You have the extended family to think of, friends and their extended families, your inherited lands and heritage etc. Remember, most of them are from Niger, Cameroun or Chad but have been given a place of honor as members of northern elders because by chance they were once in place of authority. I weep for the great north that is left without a Shepard!!!


  3. Finall! The truth is out?

  4. All of una na the same abeg leave story... $9.3m can do lot for your people..Instead THEY prefer to purchase weapons.
    The end days are here....This is just the beginning for all of us "the bad eggs"
    Let us be true to ourselves,

  5. And my grandfather was the emperor of China... Tell all this to 2 year old kids...

  6. Ayo do not mind the Anti-Christians within and outside the Church. Imagine a former CAN leader joining the anti-christian to attack you without investigation. At least he was supposed to find out from you before going public.

  7. Can you resign already?

  8. Great n nice talk!! D gate of hell will definitely not prevail over His church

  9. Will you have sound like this if the jet belongs to any Muslim. It has just started we know that GOD ALMIGHTY will never cover the sponsors of this insecurity in the north. The president can cover and uncover as he like now. By 2015 or highest 2019 the wind will blow and the anus of the hen shall be exposed. Remember christ does not preach harm to anybody Muslims or otherwise.

    1. The Nigerian intelligence services and the government have owned to the arms deal, so I wonder what the heck people are talking about. Does it really matter whose aircraft they leased to purchase the arms. I think the pastor is right, some people for other reasons want to use the incident to widen the religious divide that exists in this country. Those who are busy stoking the embers of this fire think they will be immuned from the consuming flames when mayhem sets in.

  10. find the truth; criticism without reality may amount to sin. Christian be at alert don't let the enemy trick divide the church.

  11. pastor ayo oristejafor please resign while the investigation is on, that will make us believe u to some extent.

  12. True, the Church needs unity, more so at this trying time. But the CAN President must also stop being partisan and causing the PDP opposition to bring his name to ridicule on the pages of newspapers, TV screens and radio airwaves. He should stop 'dining with dirty people' as his foremost predecessor in CAN (Cardinal Okogie) is reported to have said. A CAN President should not openly criticize any opposition party simply because they are playing 'rofo-rofo' politics with the ruling party. What's the business of the Church with politics, especially when those practicing it are brazenly corrupt? And why would a Pastor own a private jet anyway? So he can fly around a spread the Gospel? If so, then the CAN President ought not have leased his aircraft simply because he is looking for ways to ameliorate the cost of maintaining it as he says in his message to the Church Council; I believe the same congregation that donated the gift of an airplane to him can continue to service and maintain the plane.

    1. UNBIASED TRUTH. 8:34 AM SEPT 30

  13. its too late to cry when the head is off. This is when according to Christ "By their fruit you shall know them". see hw MOGs are showing and displaying deep they are in darkness yet they say they are the light.

  14. It is now obvious that the CAN President has no hand in the $9.3 million seized in South Africa. The media should now let the man of God have peace and investigate the source of the money.

    This is similar to the leasing of a vehicle to a driver for commercial business. The driver can carry anybody as it is a commercial passenger contract deal. The owner of the vehicle may be queried if something go wrong but the driver is solely responsible for all his actions and behaviour.

    1. Any person with the call of God should go about his ministry as the Lord would have done in his days of flesh, my beloved Pastors have been going round the world with the gospel without private jet, why not use that money for mission and leave jet for business men, that is the genesis of the matter.
      This are the last days

  15. Pls am not a baby, give full details of the lessee dat used ur aircraft for the stealing of d $9.3m. He's company name, evidence dat he was given the contract to fly the plane up and down and unfold the names of the people involved in all this mess mind u don't accuse an innocent civilian in place of the lessee or bribe sm1 to take his place and later dismiss him wen everytin has died down. Other readers might be dull but not me. All the prosecutors in these act must be unfolded with documentary/non-documentary evidence and their state of on-going punishment must be broadcasted every week to the public in order to show ur clean hands and uphold justice to any other intended individual(s) to carry such act in the future IF not den all what CAN president said are orchestrated.

  16. Finally we have heard from him, So let God be judge, Rev 22-11,12.

  17. We are not hearing the full/true story about this issue. We seem not to realise the gravity of this watergatelike scandal
    1. 2 (unnamed) Nigerians and an Israeli are caught with $9.3m in South Africa
    2. The money was (purportedly) for the purchase of arms for Nigerian intelligence agencies
    3. The (alleged) arms were not sold by South Africa to Nigeria
    4. Of all the aircrafts that exist both in the government's arsenal, commercial airlines and private jets in the country, his jet was the one used to ferry the money
    5. The money was neither declared in Nigeria, nor in South Africa
    6. Even with all the influence possessed by the government, they are yet to take custody of the money, the aircraft or the suspects...foul play has been spotted
    7. Protocol in arms purchase by nations were not followed. Conventionally, arms are not purchased in crisp notes
    8. No (known) member of the intelligence or military community was involved in the transaction
    9. The transaction is tantamount to money laundering especially for a government trying to encourage it's citizens to embrace the 'cashless policy'
    10. This does not seem to be the first time money is spirited out of the country in this manner, just that in this instant, the deal was botched

    The CAN president may attempt to dissociate himself from this shady deal, but can he honestly tell the God that he claims to serve who sees all hearts that he didn't have the slightest whiff of the transaction? Did he stand to gain anything in kickbacks from such deals? As a 'man of God' it is a dangerous thing to get to caught up in politics or to be seen to be openly romancing the government. It is in such a compromising position that temptations will besiege him to put his hands in unclean ventures.
    I was always of the opinion that this pastor-private jet bubble would burst, and we are already beginning to witness it.
    The church is primarily set up to imbibe morals in the population and check the excesses as one of the elements of a democratic society.
    There is more than meets the eye about this issue, and more details are tightly kept under wraps. That only proves that there is a lot to hide on the part of the government as well as on the part of the CAN president.
    The christian community in Nigeria is at a crossroads. It can either redeem itself as a force of hope for the people or be consumed as a fallacy of faith.
    But I do not see this scandal (cos that's what it is) going away, in the end, the christian community may have to come together to set things straight. Our government has claimed that corruption, abuse of power and breach of public trust in Nigeria is exaggerated or overstated, as we see, it may not be confined to our public service but may well extend way into the lymph of our holy church. God help us!

    1. Intelligent ASSESSMENT! No mind MUMUs wey the man dey decieve with "The curch is under attack" When U mix with religion with politics the result is always bad.
      So mallam AYO tell this Ur stories to Ur GRAND CHILDREN and GULLIBLE FOLLOWERS.

  18. Hope Lai Mohammed, el'rufai will read this.

  19. Oh God guide and protect the church that you purchased with the precious blood of your son JESUS CHRIST., give the leaders the wisdom and spirit to emulate CHRIST the author and the finisher of our faith.We pray you oh LORD

  20. Mr Ayo, no amount of word twisting would erase the fact that u are a terror sponsor, stop using the church and trying to get sympathy from good men. Your body language, your statements and your involvement with the $9.3 all point to one direction. U are indeed a disgrace to Christianity and anything u represent. Monday

  21. “I believe that the primary institution that I owe any explanation to is the church. This is pratically wrong statement, you own explanation to the peopple of the entire Country called Nigeria. Note that your position there is religious not political

    You are getting it wrong.

  22. good talk. The Lord is our strength.

  23. My dear CAN President, I hope that if you eventually get out of this,you will make frantic efforts to make you and your fellow men of God in Nigeria and Africa go about missionary work the way the former missionaries went about it in the beginning. The early missionaries, Slessor,Shanahan,Crowther etc whose footprints in the path of missionary work has remained indelible. These great men did not own jets,some of them did not even have private cars but the church was rich enough to build schools, churches,etc and they made sure the social facilities were either free for all or affordable for the poor and less privileged. Products of these schools are today men to be reckoned with in the present and immediate past generation. I think in my own humble opinion that your congregation did not think like missionary when they chose to present you a gift of a private jet in a country where more that 40million children cannot access basic education and basic health care. And you,the recipient did not act like missionary when you accepted it. I guess you weren't aware the it may require as much money as may be used to provide basic education for at least 5million children annually to maintain the aircraft. I think you need to search harder for a justification of men of God owning aircrafts and other luxurious property or rather sell off all that and donate to charity, you need to do this to save the name Christianity that is already sinking in the mud. Remember Christ said to Zacheus to sell all he had and give to charity when he wanted to know what it will take him to inherit the kingdom. I think today's men of God are the greatest enemies of the Church, because of the impression they have given to people about Christianity.

  24. If your right eye will cause you to enter hell fire remove it, verily verily I say unto you it will be difficult for the worldly rich to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel entering the eye of the needle!

    Dear Pastor if Luxurious private jet will deny you salvation, renounce it.

  25. Mr Ayo must you own a private jet if you cant maintain it? But if the aircraft in question should belong to other religion sir you will be the first person to condem it. The blood of innocent people will hunt down all the evil people behind boko haram.

  26. My CAN president, I beliveev you. I bleive you won't drag the name of Christ so low. But please do all you can to make the FGN uncovered and tell the public the people behind this deal. The only way we can sanisitze Nigerian of corruption is to expose the evil people involve and bring them to justice. The Church is marchin on and the gate of hell shall not prevail.

  27. Thief. Barrawo. U could have come and said u know of it. idiot.

  28. if you leased the aircraft why is the company or person you leased it to not talking? how come you are the one explain what the funds was met for? Is it you that chartered the plane out to the FG? was the handlers not aware that money was being transported with the plane? you should as a matter of fact be pressing charges against the company you leased your plane to co your agreement should cover all these contingency and whatsoever. in fact show us the lease agreement ?

  29. All of you who said Ayo is a sponsor of Boko Haram are truly dunces. Ask yourselves what will Ayo gain by sponsoring Boko Haram. Use your common sense. Jonathan has all the info. the money laundering is being done by PDP. This is the money PDP want to use for settlement and rigging of election. the money is what PDP wants to use printing ballot papers for rigging election. this is government money. How many individual do you think will have such huge money at home or in account. Not even Dangote.
    stop deceiving urself with stupid commnets. Nigeria is in serious problem....

    1. Lets pray that God expose and deal with those sponsoring or aiding boko haram and all other tribal & regional crises.Also pray that 2015 nigerians will get a leader with capacity to deliver from north or south, a christian a muslem or pegan.Thats my prayer

  30. God! Take control.

  31. Dis man is an idiot. Infact, he doesn't have shame.

  32. That is the difference between India and Nigeria. That is the reason why India is progressing and Nigeria is not.
    In India, crime is crime, it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, if you are a moslem or christian, if you are from this party or the other party or if you are from this tribe or the other. In Nigeria, crime has its colouration either because i am a christian or i am a moslem, or because i am from this tribe, or because i belong to this party. I think Nigerians are now wiser especially christians. My dear Pastor, please, do not bring that leg, it will not work. You committed the crime right from the very first day you accepted the so called aircraft as a gift. Do not tell me you do not have some jobless, hungry young men in your congregation. Why didn't you tell your church to use the money to empower the jobless youth. You gladly accepted the gift and now you want to deceive us. God is watching.

  33. Story story.... Why would it take the CAN president so much time to say this out...? I believe he has cooked what he will say so as to clean his is it only ur jet that is in business ? What has light got to do with darkness?
    I wonder what this pastors of nowadays are taking church member to be

  34. Well my question is why will a man of God accept a private jet as a gift in a country where people including his church members live under 50dollars per day? Why not tell the giver to sell the jet and give the money to the poor? Why not tell the giver to use the money and support an orphanage home or supply equipment to a teaching hospital where scores of Nigerians die every day due of lack of adequate amenities in our hospitals? Why will a pastor buy or own a private jet? That is ridiculous! Also, consider the fact that any Nigerian that can afford a private jet as a gift to anyone at all is most probably making that money through illegal means. So, my confusion is if and when the pastor collects this gift, can he still tell that church member the truth? I mean I don't get it, someone explain it to me. I am a mere individual who tries every day to live a Christ-like life by the grace of God, and I know that my conscience won't let me accept such a gift or even buy and own a private jet when there are so many people around me in need. So, why does an ordained man of God think it is ok. I really feel so bad for the Christendom in Nigeria as a whole. Pastors exhibit such disgraceful and abominable flamboyance that sometimes I even think the big boys in Abuja are better behaved than they do. Seriously, how can Christians not find Archbishop Okogie’s interview very encouraging. I have been waiting for so long now for a high ranked church leader in Nigeria to publicly ask why Pastors need to own private jets because it seems to be "in vogue". Do you know how much it is to maintain a private jet? Yet the tithe payers are making ends meet and the pastors own private jets. I thought that's why God chose Levi as the priestly tribe, because of his humility.

    How can a CAN president even be surprised to be linked to an abomination like this when he is collecting private jets as gifts? Of course, individuals that own private jets can also have 9.3miilion to smuggle into another country. What has that got to do with anyone attacking the church?

    Well, I think I have known for a while that a religion is a very strong force to human existence, if not why will I be a member of a church pastored by a private jet owner knowing some of the members in the same church cannot afford 3 square meals a day. The most painful thing is that when any church member becomes sick and cannot afford adequate medical care, these pastors pray for the sick member, collects tithe from the sick member and still owns luxury cars and private jets. Unbelievable!!!! I rest my case.

  35. The country is doomed.

  36. Yesterday it was T.B. Joshua and the collapse of his temple; before that it was Aikhome (?) and adultery; now it is this guy and money laudering with the aid of the President. God will expose the nyash of these deceivers one by one.

  37. It is expected that those who hate the church would make a capital of this issue. But I'm happy the CAN President has come out to explain his side of the story. Those who love objectivity would at least grant him the benefit of the doubt until (and if ) proved otherwise, but those who, all along, have had their misgivings against him would simply shut their ears to whatever the man is saying. We should let reason prevail. The instruments of investigations are open to all. We may employ them. If the man is found guilty, the law should take its course, and if not, we should humbly admit our bias and apologize to the man of God. We should remember that the one who serves God is not alone. The One he serves is a jealous God, and before Him there is no favoritism. Our social or ecclesiastical position gives us no immunity before God. What is highly prized before men may be an abomination before God. We should be careful how we talk against servants of God.

  38. Woe to him who speaks against a man of God without reason for he speaketh against God!


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