


Another Baby Born With Quran In Lagos

Residents from various parts of Lagos State, southwest Nigeria, have been coming to catch a glimpse of a baby allegedly born with a miniature Quran at 9, Oguntade Street, Shasha area of the state.

Incidents like these are scientifically impossible, but residents of the area say it is true even though some of them confessed that they did not see the baby clutching the miniature Quran, the holy book of the Muslims. They were only told about it.

It took efforts for P.M.NEWS reporters to gain access into the one-room apartment of the baby’s parents as a result of the crowd that took over the place.
The mother of the baby, Kabirat Lamidi, a 32-year old hairstylist, said right from the conception of the baby, she had been sick.

She said when the baby refused to come out after 11 months, she went for a scan where it was shown that she had an object in the womb with the baby.

The Ede, Osun State indigene who said she had been married for 10 years, said she was shocked to discover that few seconds after the baby was delivered, she pushed out a Quran.

“I have been hearing about such incidents and I have always insulted people thinking it could never happen. I believe it is a gift from Allah,” she said.

She said as a Muslim, she was not even dedicated and did not know how to pray, expressing surprise that such an incident could happen to her.

The mother of three said she had always given birth in the hospital but that on this day, she went into labour so fast that she could not move.

“My advice to people is that they should henceforth watch their mouth. I didn’t believe before now,” she said.

Mrs. Saudat Olawuwo, a staff nurse with the Shasha Medical Centre who assisted with the delivery, said she was called by neighbours when the woman was in labour.
•Crowd at 9, Oguntade Street, Shasha, where a baby was said to have been born with Quran
•Crowd at 9, Oguntade Street, Shasha, where a baby was said to have been born with Quran

Mrs. Olawuwo with 17 years working experience, said the woman was supposed to put to birth on 16 May, but it did not happen.

“By the time I came the day she was in labour, the baby was already coming out. So I assisted her.

“After that, we were expecting the placenta, but the woman began behaving like one about to run mad. I was so confused.

“The woman was shouting that she wanted to push again and all of a sudden, the Quran, wrapped in nylon and stained with blood jumped out.

“Out of confusion, I ran out and called people who came to see. We also called a Muslim cleric around the area who came and prayed for the baby,” she said.

Father of the baby, Luqman Lamidi, said he was in a drinking bar when he was called and told that his wife had delivered a baby with a Quran.

He said he did not believe until he came and saw the Quran covered with blood.

“I arrived home and saw a lot of crowd and could not even enter. In fact, I am surprised that a drunk like me could produce a child that came into this world with a Quran,” he said, adding that he had become a changed person.

Chief Imam of Oguntade, Shasha, Alhai AbdulRafiu Opeloyeru Oyedokun, said he was the one who tore the nylon from the Quran after he was called to the place.

“When I came, people were still doubting if the object was a Quran or not, so I tore the nylon with blood on it publicly and everyone confirmed it.”

As the yet to be named baby boy lay asleep, P.M.NEWS noticed that each time the Quran is placed on his chest, he consistently lifted his hands up and would not drop the hands until the Quran is taken off.

There was a big controversy in May last year following the alleged birth of a baby boy said to be clutching a miniature Holy Quran at birth.

The baby was born at a white garment church in Mushin, Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.

While some disputed the claim, others said it was possible. A large crowd gathered at 1, Sonde Street, Ijeshatedo, Lagos home of the boy’s parents as news of the birth spread rapidly.

His mother, Mrs. Kikelomo Ilori, 32, a Cosmetologist, told P.M.NEWS that he was born after she had carried the pregnancy for about 10 months.

“When my baby was delivered holding a Quran in his hand, the nurse said the Quran should be thrown away. But I insisted my mother must see it before any action could be taken,” Kikelomo, who is a Christian, further explained.
Corroborating the story, Senior Rev. Victoria Yetunde Dada said during the pregnancy, Kikelomo was always coming to her for prayers and counselling.
“I advised her not to abort the pregnancy because she might die in the process. Again, I told her the foetus was sent by God and will be great,” Apostle Mother Dada told our correspondent.

Reacting, Medical Director of Bodet Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Dr. Bode Tawak said scientifically, it was not possible for a baby to be born holding a Quran.
“How big is the baby’s hand to hold the Quran? How big is the Quran? How did the Quran get into her mother’s womb? I don’t know how a Quran can get into a womb. But there are things you can’t explain,” Dr. Tawak responded.

He said while the incident cannot be explained medically, in Nigeria many mysterious things happen.

A Kaduna-based medical practitioner, Dr. Munir Yusuf said from a medical point of view, it was not possible, but added that depending on the size of the Quran, it was possible metaphysically.

He explained that if the Quran is small enough to pass through the diameter of the vagina, with the child, it is possible.

In the same vein, a herbal medicine practitioner, Chief Dr. Bola Adegunloye believes nothing is impossible, but said too much importance must not be placed on the incident.

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  1. Dis kind of thing has neva happen in any religion only in islam,dis is 2 show dat islam is d only religion 4rm our creator,y not pick a copy of it in d an islamic shop and read u ll b clad u did,warnin,no excuse on judgement day.GOD(ALLAH) is d GREATEST

  2. Cheap publicity! Look for another method jare.........

  3. When the magicians are doing what they are doing to convince people, they will say a child has been born with koran in his or her hand. It is only happening in Lagos and no other part of this world.

    May God open our eyes to see the truth about the religions we believed.

  4. Nothing is impossible for the devil, there are no justification for all that happen. We can also have collaborators to testify to what has not happen. Mr anonymous why preaching things that are not sure of, are you at the point of birth, do you see when the child is born.

  5. Pls everybody should just stop ... I advice u ponder over it individually

  6. he that wont believe, will not believe..........a dog that will go astray will never listen to the whistle of the hunter. Islam is the right path, take it or leave it. Allahu Akbar

  7. Iknow a man who knew a man who was told by another man that he heard from a woman that she heard her friend say........MARKET GOSSIP... WAKE UP............................... "RELIGON IS THE OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE" KARL MARX

  8. Ppl hve freedom to bliv in wateva they want. I'm a muslim n I bliv. If its false, then its btw them n God. Even all d prophets God sent were nt blivd upon all d signs n miracles

  9. This can only be explained by the almighty God. Could it be possible dt the mother of the child visited some spiritualist who conjour ds into her wen the baby didn't come at the due date? Na only God know o.

  10. Such Delusive and deceptic act, d muslems can go to any xtendd in making people believe in their violent religion, they can war, kill, destroy,terolise, fake thiings just 2 force or mak people 2 islamis.I want 2 ask, is d quoran an imperviousleak-proof ,nonporoussealedn,water-resistant, waterproof or watertigh dat it dint got damage by water in d womb.

  11. Demonic manipulation. The heaven wll tell.

  12. End time is near,many things will hapen so as to draw attention of pple to destruction,God will show everybdy the understanding to know the truth,magicians are capable of doing things even much more than what is happening...Watch out just have the FAITH in what u belive.

  13. Anonymous 6.50am,its very glaring dat u are a fanatics,y is dat its only muslims dat give birth to a baby wit koran,let a xtian give birth to baby wit quaran den I will believe its not sentimental, make una no dey deceive una self,d one dat happen few years ago at ilasa was later confirmed it was gangup lies

  14. mtcheww... Cheap article, its only seing in Lagos.

  15. hmm.this 1 is action film o

  16. Anonymous 6.50am,its very glaring dat u are a fanatics,y is dat its only muslims dat give birth to a baby wit koran,let a xtian give birth to baby wit quaran den I will believe its not sentimental, make una no dey deceive una self,d one dat happen few years ago at ilasa was later confirmed it was gangup lies

  17. I want u all to remember dat magic stil axist, i

  18. I hv seen poeple given birth to Ball, and oda tins pls I want u all no dat magic stil exist, dat cud be d hand wok of devil

  19. The report says dat d koran was in d baby's hand n then again when d baby came out they were waitn 4 d placenta to come out n then d koran did, which one do we believe? Be nt deceived anything can be manipulated to keep people in perpetual bondage. Jesus is d only way tru which we can be saved n except u repent,ye shall all likewise perish. Last day' propagandas of falsehood, beware.

  20. Anonymous 8:02 AM, your assertion of "Nothing is impossible for the devil" is wrong. The devil only does things to the bewilderness of the simple ignorant ones. if you dont know his tricks, you will think satan can do all things, whereas in reality, it is not true. remember in the Bible, when Moses was doing miracles in Egypt to bring the Israelites out to the Promised Land, the Magicians and astrologers were replicating his miracles, until it came to a point, they couldnt do it and affirmed by themselves, this is the handwork of God. So note that the devil is a counterfeit fellow. He will always want to impress the ignorants of what he supposedly can do by corrupting the genuine work of God with counterfeit proof of his power. No wonder, Satan transformed himself to an angel of light.

  21. hmmm na wa o if it were a xtian baby different case ,but muslim baby na comes wit koran ,hm ........remember for all the things you do today u shall give account for it

  22. For the fact that the Quran was covered with nylon makes it a lie. Nylon is synthetic and toxic to the body.

  23. Story! story! story! Once upon a time,time time! Very soon,they will give birth to a baby with gun in his hands with alalhu writen on it. Hahahaaaa meaning a born boko haran. A demonic n satanised generaton. Read d handwriting on d wall,hellfire is real. Beware.

  24. Almigthy God wll surelly judge you all from yur alterations,the first baby wit quran was born in a church(white garment church)I wll neva believ christianity is a religion,not until I see a baby born ,with jesus is lord!!!!shikenna,,even animals do have the great signs of almigthy allah on them,,,I swear with the Day of judgement,,,have seen a tree with Lailah ilah allahu,writting on it and the branches,,,,some years back,,,islam is my religion Till eternity Allahu Akbar

  25. it seems the world is coming to an end

  26. African power in action! With all this western education and religion; African are still strong in spiritual manipulation and voodoo. But if you don't believe, you are on your own!!!

  27. Am a scientist n a pediatrician so I must say dat nylon can neva b inside som1s body 4 a long tym witout bin harmful 2 d body not 2 tlk of a pregnant woman so my conclusion is dat d story above is a pure lie story islams shud stp fooling dem sefs

  28. After all said and done CHRISTANITY remains the true part to salvation,weather a baby born wit koran,or d koRan rains down frm d sky,the true religion prevails at last!

  29. Big lie with extra large yansh!

  30. If this miracle is man made let the christian and the people who challenge this miraclous birth create a senario like this

  31. I will never bow down before your God neither shall i serve him, I hold unto my creator the author and finisher of my faith our Lord Jesus Christ. "WATCH AND PRAY THE DAY IS EVIL" end time is nearer.

  32. whether the baby was born with quran or quran was born with baby, does not justify any thing. if islam is true religion, why was boko haram and riots at the north as a result of their so called zangazanga does not see that..please go rest with your quran

  33. my fellow Nigerians you guys should calm down for once!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Pls confirm from them, where are the children been born with quran on their hands? Are they in anyway better than the rest of other children?....


  36. a lot of people don't seem to realise how powerful words r in this life n hereafter, its this kind of controversy and what they make n say of it that will buy a lot of people their one way ticket to HELL!, no man should speak ill of another man's religion, ...."to you be ur religion n to me be mine"

  37. A trained midwife gave a report of the birth of the baby indicating child was not holding Koran at birth but that it came after birth of the child in second stage of labour. I wonder if the Koran had been inserted into the mother as a traditional means to induce labour, a pessary.

    May explain the rapid first stage of labour, Koran wrapped in nylon. Mother may not know content of the nylon. Nylon was probably high in vagina not womb.

  38. child born to muslim family with muslim rosary, another born with koran, the next one will be born with encripstions of prophet mohammed and names of his wifes on his/her chest!!!. there are free ways of preaching your faith not by swords and sucide bombing as Boko haram are doing now!. Better present your faith in an acceptable way as Chritianity, not by telling lies,nor by killings.

  39. I agreed with you with anonymous, koran is born, rosary is born and the genuine person that suppose to use the born materials should be prophet mohammed with his holy wifes, so our ears are on ground to hear when it will happen. pls dont stop!!!


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