




Buhari receiving treatment in UK - Fayose insists

Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, on Friday alleged that the All Progressives Congress presidential candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), who travelled to the United Kingdom for a supposed working visit, is in a London hospital.

According to him, Buhari is being treated at a hospital located at Cavendish Street, Cavendish Square, W2 London West End, London.

The governor said this had vindicated his earlier stand that Buhari was sick and lacked the required capacity to rule Nigeria.

Speaking through his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, the governor described the claim by the APC that Buhari would give a talk at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London as a “deceit taken too far.”

He said, “The event is listed on Royal Institute of International Affairs website;

“For the avoidance of doubt; the event’s keynote speakers are former Brazil Minister of Defence, Celsius Amorin; UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister of Defence Equipment Support and Technology, Celsius Amorin; Chief of the Defence Staff, UK Ministry of Defence, General Sir Nicholas Houghton; Chief Executive of BAE System, Ian King and Secretary General, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Dr. Abdulatif Bin Rashid Al Zayani.

“Apart from the above listed five persons, 25 others are listed as speakers.

“So, in which Royal Institute of International Affairs’ event is Buhari participating as a speaker?

“This is not to mock Buhari or wish him dead. Rather, it is to expose the falsehood of the APC and desperation of its leaders, especially Senator Bola Tinubu to foist another Yar’Adua saga on Nigeria.”

The governor challenged the APC to prove him wrong.

“If the APC people are saying otherwise, let them publish the picture of Buhari boarding the plane and granting interview to aviation correspondents at the Abuja Airport.

“While I am happy that the APC people that are packaging Buhari finally listened to my plea to allow him (Buhari) to seek medical treatment abroad, I must say that it is unpatriotic for the APC to have lied that Buhari travelled on a working visit.

“The party should be honest enough to tell Nigerians that Buhari is actually sick and lack capacity to rule Nigeria and that they are only packaging him, hoping that he will become incapacitated if he becomes president so that they can take over power by proxy.”

The National Publicity Secretary of the APC, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said his party was not ready to join issues with unserious people, adding that those who are doubting General Buhari’s working visit could not be taken seriously and that they should prove it.

“We are not ready to join issues with unserious people, but if they say General Buhari travelled for medical treatment, they should show us the photograph of Buhari on hospital bed,” Mohammed said.
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  1. So bloody what if he is receiving treatment what is the whole noise about.Fayose please live forever don't fall ill or die.

  2. Fayose, so what if he travels for medical? I suppose you're a stone that never needs medicines. Rubbish!

  3. Now that you have told us that he is on sick leave, thank you! Idiot! So, don't you stupid Fayose visit hospital too. Even you foolish PDPs allowed the corpse of Yaradua ruled Nigeria. Abeg, shut up your dirty stinking mouth Fayose!...Bam Bam

  4. Hmmm Nigerians, Fayose has a point here. Another Yaradua saga is on the way if at all APC wins.

    1. Listen to yourself. If at all he visits the hospital at home or abroad, is he not a human being? Does a visit for medical check mean death?

      Why is Fayose expecting death for his opponent? God has the power of life and death, not human beings like Fayose.

      People should be careful because death is not in age. Anybody, young or old, can die at any time.

    2. Fayose is a PDP and Yaradua was a PDP. Death comes for everyone, both young and old.

    3. I can't help but laugh at most comments. But we can't overlook the facts here. This man is 72 and needs to give himself proper medical attention. But why is APC covering it up. I've never known lai mohammed not to have a comment. Lol. He should learn to talk less unsubstantiated jargons

  5. Has PDP taken monopoly of medical care at home and abroad?

  6. I don't know what exactly is wrong with this guy. Must you always open your mouth to talk your usual rubbish. When on earth are you going to mature? . It is a shame having you as a governor in western state.

  7. Why is Mr Ayo Fayose the only governor making unnecessary comments here and there about GMB? I think he knows better what is at stake should GMB win the election but no matter how hard he tries, God's will 'shall' be done. We are tired of impunity, corruption, unemployment etc in Nigeria. This country belongs to all of us and the generation unborn. You have prided yourself as being the first person to defeat two incubent governors. You may end up being the first governor not to complete his tenure twice or to be impeached twice. God reigns over the affairs of men and He hears the prayers of the afflicted. The political elite have afflicted us too much and for too long.

  8. the way and manner fayose is going about the health issue of GMB, if peradventure he happens to die b4.GMB , his death will enter guineas book as the most celebrated death on earth. HIS mourners will be few. trust me.

  9. This is amazing! This was the same Fayose that was rolling on the floor of a Pentecostal Church claiming submission to God. How can you claim submission to God and all you see is evil against other people? How can you continuously see death for another human being?

  10. Truth is always bitter. An A-list Presidential candidate sneaking out of the country? Not even a brief chat with airport correspondent? And the costly lie by his party that he is to speak at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, when his name is conspicously missing on the published list of speakers? Hmm, truth is always bitter. may God save Nigeria.

    1. "Truth is always bitter". Do you know anything about truth? When you keep imagining evil against another person just because he is in a different political camp, is that truth? So, because Buhari did not give a flamboyant press interview at the airport, you assume he was sick and his trip was on medical grounds? Did you see the list of speakers at the Royal Institute of International Affairs? Com'on, think straight and stop dreaming evil against other human beings. What you wish Buhari may befall you.


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