




Presence of Nigerian soldiers in Cameroon a military tactic - DHQ

The Defence authorities on Monday explained that the Nigerian troops crossed over to the Cameroonian side of the border during the battle with the insurgents while making a tactical manouver.

A statement on official website of the Nigeria military,, stated that the Nigerian troops had to submit their weapons to the Cameroonian authorities to show that they were not on any offensive against the country in line with standard practice.

It added that the troops were on their way to Nigeria after the matter was sorted out by the authorities of both countries.

The statement added that it was wrong to describe the presence of the soldiers in Cameroon as defection in view of discussions between the military leaderships of Nigeria and Cameroon and contacts made with the soldiers about their safety.

It said, “The Nigerian troops that were found in Cameroon was as a result of a sustained battle between the troops and the terrorists around the borders with Cameroon which saw the Nigerian troops charging through the borders in a tactical manoeuvre.

“Eventually they found themselves on Cameroonian soil. Being allies the normal protocol of managing such incident demanded that the troops submit their weapons in order to assure the friendly country that they were not on a hostile mission.

“Following necessary discussions between Nigerian and Cameroonian military authorities, the issues have been sorted out. Subsequently, the troops are on their way back to join their unit in Nigeria.

“The reference to the incidence as a defection is therefore not appropriate considering the discussion between the two countries’ military leadership and the series of contacts with the soldiers who have confirmed that they are safe.”

The statement added that troops encountered a group of insurgents who were attempting to enter the country through Gamboru Ngala in a gun battle and were still in pursuit of them.

“Meanwhile, troops are repelling a group of terrorists who are trying to enter the country through Gamboru Ngala. A group of them who fizzled into the town are being pursued,” it added.
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  1. Christophe Kolade if dis's one of ur tactics, needless exposg it but keep it as a secrete until result is achieved put ur accusers 2 shame. Pls do somethg fast nd crush dis insulgents once nd for all. Tnk u, Sir

  2. We are praying for u sir u will be successful

  3. is not tactics my friend. is a sign of defeat. you romance the boko so long and look at the result. disgrace that will be part of history for ever. big men arena.

  4. God Be wt U Sir Jer 10v11 de God that did not create Nigeria will never rule over Nigeria in Jesus Name
    2) Now we can see dat ISIS in Irag is linked to the BH which A Nigerian championed otherwise they will not av a comon goal.
    3) Is God who allowred Eygptians to enslave Israel for 485yrs & is de same God whp Sank Dem in de RED SEA BH & Thier Sponsors will Perish one Day

  5. #Christophe Kolade *yimu*

  6. God be wt u Sir
    Is God who made Egypt to enslave Israel and is God who perish Egypt in de Red Sea
    Jer 10v11de God who did not create Nigeria will never rule Nigeria in Jesus Name Amen

  7. stop fooling ur self mr. Do u tink we ar kids? U can tell ur kids @ home dat its a tactis. U no wat is goin on. Beta solve d problem n save d lives of innocent people. D blood of All doz dat died as a result of BH are in ur hands n soon nemesis wil catch up wit u.

  8. I hope they are telling us the truth. During war time the citizen in the country fighting war do not get the true picture of what is happening. Only foreign media can give true report. I do not see any tactics with running away. It is a shame that some political parties and politician turn down the request for loan to buy ammunition. To me I believed that those political parties and politicians are true enemies of Nigeria and they do not want the military to have better ammunition because they are SUPPORTER OF BOKO HARAM.

  9. @ Ann5.13 If the loan was approved it will go the same way as billions that were approved for the military b4 now. Nigerians shld ask our leaders question now we are not fools. Military tactics indeed u are pursuing enemy into another country and the same enemy u are pursuing are behind u in ur country. Who is pursuing who. May God save us in this country from bad leadership.


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