




Boko Haram: Let truth be told

A lot has been said and done about the activities of the Boko Haram sect in the past but the menace continued unabated. The truth remains that the issue is not been handled rightly. I have said it severally that the only viable solution to the problem is through dialogue and negotiations. Several tactics have been employed and each has been matched with devastating consequences and more calamities. What this means is that the most viable option has not been embraced. Another troubling aspect is that our leaders and people have tended to look at the grave problem from wrong perspectives. That is, we have narrowed the menace to ethnic, political and religious perspectives. The leaders and the people are shying away from the main issue which is the fact that the perpetrators are aggrieved and disgruntled by the socio/political and economic situation in the country. As I wrote in my review titled, “Is Boko truly Haram?, what is most worrisome with the present trend is that more of these militant groups will spring up in the nearest future if the right steps are not taken at the right time because it is becoming clear that the majority of our youths will take up arms to fight for relevance and sustenance in the face of uncertain future. This should not have been the case if the government and people are perceived to be genuinely putting things in the right perspectives which will guarantee the assurance that they meant well for the future of the people.

Be that as it may, one would have expected all well-meaning Nigerians to come together and join hands with our leaders on the best way to tackle the menace and that is by way of peaceful resolutions.

The fact remains that we have not really done much to support the government of the day in resolving this problem. While religious leaders are trading blames and castigating one particular religion or belief for being the architect of the menace, politicians are accusing one another of being the sponsors of the sect. Some captains of industries are keeping mum because the activities of the sect are prominent in areas where their industries are not located. Traditional rulers in some parts of the country are also not coming forth with viable ways of resolving the problem because it is not happening in their domains. They are busy prostituting with politicians and depending mainly on the gains of rulership or what is generally known as ‘Isakole’ in the Yoruba parlance. A majority of the people are also trivialising the issue because it does not affect members of their immediate families. The media are not also to be spared from the blame because most of them prefer to publish articles written by well-known people regardless of whether the content readily addresses the substance of the problem at hand or not. Some are even jettisoning good reviews because the wordings are more than what is allowed by their outfits.

In as much as no man has the monopoly of knowledge, I am of the opinion that the government should adopt peaceful approach towards resolving the issue. When we talk of peaceful resolution, we mean resolutions guided by the principle of ‘No victor, no vanquished’. It means true reconciliation through dialogue and negotiations. In this situation, when you are calling for peaceful resolution of a crisis, you do not have to back it up with threats. i.e. ‘Drop your weapons now and embrace dialogue or the government would be forced to do this or that’. That is not a committed and sincere call for reconciliation in the true sense of it.

By now, one would have expected politicians and members of the opposition to be visiting the seat of power on a daily basis with the aim of finding lasting solutions to the problem instead of adopting the option of accusations and counter accusations. The fact remains that if the people in opposition take over governance in the country today, there is no guarantee that the activities of the sect will stop except of course, if they are truly the architects or sponsors of the sect.

In the same vein, the leadership of all religious beliefs and denominations are supposed to be meeting with one another at this point in time to fashion out ways of resolving the problem instead of accusing one another of complicity in the matter. If truly we believe that there is only one GOD, then we should not allow our religious inclinations to blind us from coming together to resolving a problem that affects us as human beings and as a nation. The same thing applies to traditional rulers from every part of the country. The question is, has the traditional rulers lost their relevance in today’s governance? (They should be in a better position to answer this puzzle).

It is only in this country that we talk of East, West, South and Northern parts of Nigeria. In the outside world, they see us as Nigerians and no one part of the country can isolate itself from the others.

The most painful aspect of the scenario is that Nigerians are easily carried away by worthless endeavours. Or how best can we describe a situation where taxpayers’ money is spent in organising and executing the ongoing National Conference in the face of insecurity? Personally, I had expected the members of the National Conference to foreclose every other discussion and concentrate on the state of insecurity in the country. That is the only way Nigerians would trust the sincerity of purpose. What is the essence of creating more states and resolving the issue of resources control or allocation when the rooftop is on fire? The people that are supposed to enjoy the outcome of the conference are presently under siege. If at all they get all other things right, how would it positively impact on the lives of the people that are living in fears? People whose lives and properties are not secured?

It needs be mentioned that the United States of America has spent millions of dollars and is still spending more in its involvement in the search for the missing Malaysian plane because of just about three Americans that were on board. That is how a government shows responsiveness and commitment to the plight of its citizens.

Just recently, over 200 girls were abducted by members of Boko Haram sect. Though some escaped by divine intervention, others are still in captivity. What else do you want to hear or be told about the capability of members of the sect? They have proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are fully on the ground. The best thing to do at this point in time is to call for peaceful resolution of the matter. The government should be sincere and show commitment to true reconciliation by appealing to members of the sect to sheath the sword and be prepared for true reconciliation through dialogue and negotiations.

•Oise-Oghaede wrote in from Lagos via
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  1. you are very naive. what sort of stupid suggestion is this. this is terrorism quite different from other agitations. it is cowardise and smarcks of a failled govt to negotiate with terrorists. why do you think they operate the way they do. are there no other means of expressing anger. negotiation is give and take and there demand is just one way. be wise.

    1. Thank u very much my brother or sister! This is d stupidest write up I have ever read! Where in d world have u heard that any right thinking govt wld negotiate wth terrorists? They have made their agitation clear,Islamize Nigeria or they continue to kill d infidels! Pls tell us how d govt can negotiate wth such a group?

  2. Please who is this writer? Its either you're just coming into Nigeria or you don't live here atall. I was so impatient that I couldn't read all your article because your first two paragraphs disqualified you. Now, you mentioned dialogue; didn't you hear that was what FG proposed but BH refused? Please get your facts

    1. Exactly couldn't go past the 1st paragraph. This write up doesn't deserve to be given the time of day. Utter rubbish

  3. Utter rubbish. where was this writer when the Federal government tried everything possible to reconcile with those idiots. It is either you crush them or the ruin the nation. They cab not overwhelm our Armed forces. Never.

  4. Mr. Oise-Oghaede , before suggesting dialogue you need to ask yourself this important and sensitive questions. What is the mission of Boko Haram what is their goal and Objective? They claim they are not advocate of western education are you now suggesting we should agree with them not to send our children to school? I think your argument has no bases.

  5. For any enemy within or one that has not been defined or one whose motive or reason is to destabilize, "eternal vigilance" is the watchword that is the path we should adopt for both citizens and security forces, New intelligent units on anti-terrorism should be set-up in all sectors of our security forces from the civil defence corp, immigration,custom,Nigeria navy, airforce and Army should each have this units and should develop their operation tactics on ground from countries that have been able to stem the tide of terrorism like US and UK (not Pakistan and Afghanistan) and suit to fit our own unique condition, the time for dialogue has since passed, you do not negotiate with lunatics or they will turn you to one, you do not negotiate with mad dogs or you will end up having rabbis, the time for diplomacy is long past our security forces must wake up to the expectation of the people, "eternal vigilance" remain the watch word!

  6. " there is no guarantee
    that the activities of the sect
    will stop except of course, if
    they are truly the architects or sponsors of the sect."
    The quote above shows that this write up is not from boko Haram but from someone else who knows but little about BH. This write up is aimed at getting something through government /BH negotiation.

  7. " there is no guarantee
    that the activities of the sect
    will stop except of course, if
    they are truly the architects or sponsors of the sect."
    The quote above shows that this write up is not from boko Haram but from someone else who knows but little about BH. This write up is aimed at getting something through government /BH negotiation.

  8. Very naive, biased and stupid article.

  9. Mr. Writer, if some group in your village was determined to wipe out your entire kindred and have killed some of you to prove they are serious, would still recommend dialogue as the solution? Pls respond.

  10. I couldn't get past the 1st paragraph of your gibberish Oise whatever! I wonder how you would suggest that! Dialogue? At this point in time? No no no! They ve gone too far! Way too far! And paradventure we foolishly islamize nigeria (God forbid!) Do you think they will stop? They will look for another mudane excuse to kill and maim that's why western countries never ever negotiate with terrorists! Its not done my dear. I wasn't happy when FG started negotiating with them! Was it the real BH peeps that came to the negotiation table? No! They don't want to negotiate! They are blood thirsty and horny for spiritual virgins! They should be crushed not negotiated with...and if you don't have any sensible thing to write, you can write the poem ba ba black sheep over n over instead of stuff like this. *smh

  11. You have all said it, I don't have more to say to this mumu write up, this man does not live in Nigeria just talking nonsense. BH has to be crushed period! The FG should grind them to pieces!

  12. in my own view, the only reason for abducting those girls is to use them as a bait for negotiation. judging from the relative quietness of the DHQ, I think negotiations are going on, but its taking too long. parents and well meaning Nigerians want to see those girls safely reunited with their families.

  13. Oise or olosi whatever is your name I pity for you, you're epitome of disgrace and shame! The entire civilised human race wise you were not born. How can government negotiate with terrorists ,kidnappers of harmless school children,destroyers of true divine faith etc etc? Yet you see them using boko civilazation such as AK47,cars/trucks,medications,com'tion gadgets etc,etc!

  14. Oise or olosi whatever is your name I pity for you, you're epitome of disgrace and shame! The entire civilised human race wise you were not born. How can government negotiate with terrorists ,kidnappers of harmless school children,destroyers of true divine faith etc etc? Yet you see them using boko civilazation such as AK47,cars/trucks,medications,com'tion gadgets etc,etc!

  15. We need to step up our boarder surveillance technology all over Nigeria, and become like UK, America, Australia and Canada that no fly can trespass, that is why this idiots called boko haram are making noise and killing people hiding behind religion for their atrocities. You guys have said it all, government negotiating with this evil things means we will forever be at their mercies as they can decide to do and undo, because of this, no negotiation.....

  16. Many have be saying that those stupid, idiots BH should be crush once and 4all,but how much do the fg, stg, lcg and nigerians' solders are ready to do so, they are all playing polity on the issue, both he whose house is on fire and those that comes to help are playing game, bcos our army had proves to us time without number that bh is beyond their power. So brodas and sista in this blog wht oda approach do we apply 4bh? So, the writer is correct to some extend if you really comprehend the article. "Criticism is easy but does not Create"

  17. Many have be saying that those stupid, idiots BH should be crush once and 4all,but how much do the fg, stg, lcg and nigerians' solders are ready to do so, they are all playing polity on the issue, both he whose house is on fire and those that comes to help are playing game, bcos our army had proves to us time without number that bh is beyond their power. So brodas and sista in this blog wht oda approach do we apply 4bh? So, the writer is correct to some extend if you really comprehend the article. "Criticism is easy but does not Create"

  18. I grew up hearing the word"never negotiate with a terrorist"it is a thoughtless write.

  19. Even though i‘m not of the oppinion to nagotiate with those “bastards“ cos they have caused “MORE“ than enough havoc and “SO“ much harm to the North and to the Nations as a whole, Oise-Oghaede, i see your write-up as a clear “indication“ on how sincere and honest is your concern and worry on security situation in our dear country Nigeria. Unlike some of those “HYPOCRITES“ that writes all sorts of “RUBBISH“ just to get political recognition and attentions from the mases and a means to “mock,blackmail and to castigates“ some of their political members and opponents and also to get a cheap “reward and favour“ from the goverment. Oise-Oghaede, back to your oppinion on nagotiating with boko haram, if that is the last option and the only solution to bring an end to such madness and restore peace in the North and the country entirely,then i TARAUNI “FULLY“ support your opinion. Some of those “unreasonable and unmeaningful“ comments by some “FACELESS“ anonymous above, is bcos most of these “evil and devilish“ acts is not happening within their domain or region and them or their love ones are not involve directely, them including their masters “NEVER“ wish the North well, so i‘m not supprise at their “FOOLISH“ comments. Imagine almost all of them suggesting the use force, did the the present administration on it‘s own have that kind of “FORCE“ and intellegence you all request? For more than five years now our “weak“ and “unserious“ goverment official and our armed forces could not go near the door step of “sambisa“ forest where the evil men made their base, which i‘m pretty sure if it were chadian or camerounian “WOMEN“ army they would have finish combing the sambisa forest long ago, and some of you “FOOLS“ are here suggesting the use of force. Oise-Oghaede, i “HAIL“ you for your wonderful write-up,pls keep up with the good work!!!

    1. Tarauni or tsunami whatever your name is...... You are very sick in your brain(that is if you have one sef)! Negotiate with them today and tomorrow they ask for something bigger! we the well meaning Nigerians say no to BH! no to negotiation with them..... People like you do not give a rat ass about the good of Nigeria. govt is weak agreed, but when other stronger nations join us in this struggle, it will become a thing of the past.


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