




Female soldier on Afghan duty tour gives birth to a baby boy

A female British soldier serving in Afghanistan who had been apparently unaware that she was pregnant has given birth to a baby boy at a field hospital at the Camp Bastion in Helmand province.

The Royal Artillery gunner, whose identity was not released, was admitted to hospital after complaining of severe stomach pains. She gave birth to a baby boy, who was born prematurely after 34 weeks of pregnancy.

Doctors from Britain have been flown out to accompany her and the baby back on a Royal Air Force (RAF) flight to Britain. She fell pregnant before her six-month tour of duty began.

"This is a unique occurrence, but my team is well-rehearsed in the unexpected and they adapted brilliantly to the situation," said Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Lewis, commanding officer of the field hospital.

The field hospital at Camp Bastion, though more used to carrying out amputations and treating bullet wounds - counts among one of the best equipped with portable X-ray machines, an operating theatre and scanners.

"This has left us completely gobsmacked. You prepare yourself for dealing with war wounded at Bastion - not a mother giving birth to a baby. It is the talk of the camp," an unnamed military source told the Daily Mail.Author: Anna Tomforde
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  1. Naso! a soldier get unknown pregnent up to birth in afganistan is fine.let her named the boy as warriou.

  2. Wao! I love this. Atleast d baby was not aborted. He is destined for greatness!

  3. Lie, lie, unaware of 9-month pregnancy?

    A fellow soldier released himself or themselves from cumulated conjility and resulted to the birth of that Afghan boy. The boy is a Taliban or could be named Binlad....

  4. Can a woman be pregnant up to the point of delivery and not being aware that she is pregnant?


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