




What’s God got to do with it?

What’s God got to do with it?

It’s 2011, a year of great importance to Nigerians because of the impending elections and great fear because the future of the nation hangs in balance.

On the 31st day of December 2010, millions of Nigerians trouped to various places of worship to pray to God for many things and especially for Him to give them a good year in 2011. God will do it.

The subject of Nigeria’s seemingly disproportionate input of more religion and output of more corruption, disarray and mayhem has been written about by various columnists, yet the reality hasn’t sunk in yet.

Nigeria remains one of the largest black populations with the most churches, mosques and herbal homes. We believe in God but it seems we keep disappointing Him every day because we expect Him to come down and think for us. We expect Him to leave his heavenly throne and tar our roads for us, to build schools for us and give us good hospitals. He even needs to come down and build us a standard international airport with working escalators, clean toilets and no power outages.

Talking about power outages, the God Nigeria believes in is a God of Light, yet we wallow in darkness, sit there and believe God will do it. Well, God lives in a perpetual environment of light, which means he has nothing to gain if we do solve our power problems. Therefore, we can keep praying and nothing will happen until we wake up and do the right thing.

Don’t get me wrong, it is good to believe in the efficacy of prayer but ‘Faith without works is dead’. However, God has nothing to do with Nigeria’s downward spiral.

We give thieving politicians and Bank chiefs the front row in our churches, allow them to be key note speakers in our mosques, give them chieftaincy titles and look the other way when they use our pulpits for their political marketing campaigns.

Endless vigils, masses, national prayer days yet corruption still rules the day, there even seems to be no respect for God as politicians with unclean hands march with their entourage to demand and receive prayers from Imams and Pastors, worse still, they are obliged!

We can go on and on about how the veil of religion has actually made us more backward instead of helping us move forward. This has happened because we have refused to put things in perspective.

Although in the midst of so many religious bodies and organizations, Nigeria has a false semblance of religion, just like the good book says, having an appearance of holiness and denying the power thereof. We are so religious, yet so poor, corrupt and about to self destruct.

In 2011, let our faith work for us, let us act accordingly and see things not in the cloud of religion. Let us adopt a more realistic outlook to things and understand that things are not the way we want them to be not because God doesn’t answer prayers, but because we have chosen to ignore reality and hide like cowards and helpless people under the canopy of religion.
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